Monday, May 14, 2012

"A not so Fancy Fluff Adventure"

In cloth diaper terms, "fluff" is a cloth diaper. Any cloth diaper really, there is no limitations on the word "fluff".
I decided to embark in "A not so Fancy Fluff Adventure" last month when I started getting asked questions about how OhFancyBaby compares to other brands. I honestly could not answer, not because I didn't want to, but because I have only used OhFancyBaby.

So, over the past month I have collected the following diapers to use in my adventure; Grovia AI2, G Diaper, Happy Heiney, Sun Baby, Fuzzibunz, Alva, Rumpkinz, Bum Genius, and Kawaii.

Over the next two weeks I will be blogging and videoing about each of these diapers on my daughter
(Felicity 16 months and 20 lbs) and a girl I babysit (Brooklyn 16.5 months and 30 lbs)

At the end of my adventure, both girls will be in OhFancyBaby so you can be the judge.
I'm not going to be bad mouthing the other brands; I will be sharing; honest facts, sizing, differences and price. This is not an adventure on why to choose OhFancyBaby, but to share true differences on different size children, because in reality cloth diapering is not for everyone, however there are several options out there, and these are just a few.

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Thank you for choosing OhFancyBaby and being a fan and for supporting "A not so Fancy Fluff Adventure"

** MommyWithFaith