So last week I had another sinus infection, every time I get sick it goes straight to my sinuses... it's kind of miserable. On top of it, I got my teeth cleaned and I'm not sure what they did, but my mouth was sore for 2 days. It was a rough week to say the least so let me catch you up...
Towards the end of the week I was getting cranky after being cooped up for a few days and so was Faith. I decided to go to the grocery store and get some missing items for Italian Meatball Soup (recipe will be posted soon). I get to Albertson's and I'm wearing some baggy grey sweatpants, blue slipper socks with tennis shoes, a beanie and my huge snow jacket. I looked like a hobbo and I added to my fabulous look by putting my diaper backpack on. I put Felicity's car seat in the cart and Faith was hanging off the sides...
My main mission... Go in, get the missing few items and get out. Well between Felcitiy needing a diaper change, Faith needing to try the samples and me needing to stop every few seconds to blow my nose it didn't happen that way. However, we finally get to the check out and while in line I start searching for my wallet, (yup you guessed right) I didn't have it on me. I pull the cart aside, grab Felicity's car seat in one hand, Faith in the other hand and walk out to the car, the entire way I'm explaining to my 3 year old... why we left the groceries inside... "Mommy is someone going to take them, can't they come with us? Why are they there still? Why... Why... Why..." ... I could have lost it then, but I contained myself. We reached the car and I searched for my wallet, and yes it was NOT there. I thought to myself, how fabulous.
So we went back inside to our cart and I started to push it around aimlessly and when I reached for my phone in my back pocket to call my husband I realized I had left it at home on the couch. Now I was ready to cry... no wallet and no phone...I held it together and managed to ask some random person if I could borrow their phone. I got the look and all I could think is... he probably thinks I'm homeless... as if it wasn't bad enough I couldn't figure out how to use the dang phone, so the guy dialed the number for me and finally I got a hold of my husband who came to save the day. When he arrived I took Felicity and left him with my cart of groceries and Faith and said, "I need to go home."
I would post a picture here... however, I wasn't in the mood to take one at the time... but it would be funny now ... Glad I can laugh about it now :)
Yesterday was a HUGE day for little miss Felicity. Since being sick I wasn't sure how much Felciity was eating, she has been drinking some formula from a bottle here and there, but not much and I haven't been able to pump. I tried the rice cereal in the bottle to give her a little bit of bulk, but she didn't take it. So I decided to try and spoon feed... This is what we got :
Well soon after she was done eating, I put her on her back on her play mat so she could get a little exercise. As I was messing around on my computer (probably checking craigslist) I hear her whining a little bit and I turn around and she was on her tummy !! My little girl rolled over and I missed it ... She did it again later and again I missed it !! So, finally I watched her and gave her some encouragement and she did it :)
** I barely got to see it otherwise I would post a pic :)
To top off her Amazing day ... Felicity let out her very FIRST giggle... I was playing with her while she was in her crib and she was giving me her huge smiles as usual and then all the sudden ... a little giggle came out and a few after that to follow. What a growing girl !! She makes her sister proud :)
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