Monday, March 28, 2011

Here I Am

I finally am doing it !! I'm BLOGGING ... I have heard so many rants and raves about blogging, so after many months of debating with my inner self I finally decided to suck it up and BLOG... so now all of my so called "fans" can now begin to understand the madness of my daily life and see pictures and updates as we make these leaps of faith and continue this awesome journey that the Lord has started for me called "life". 

Exactly one year and one day ago (March 27, 2010) I married a wonderful man. He is a hardworking man who loves what he does. He is a full time employee at the local new station and on the side he is an amazing photographer. If you are ever in need of a photographer he is your guy for sure !! WWW.DONALDWEITING.COM ... Go ahead check it out ... you know you want to :)                                                                                                                                                                                                             I'm currently a stay at home mom, young at 24 with two blooming daughters Faith and Felicity, these girls teach me new things and help me grow everyday. Faith is my little shining star, she will be 4 in July 2011 and she shows me how to love the World every day. Felicity is the newest member to our family, she will be 3 months on April 1, 2011 and (Yes your math was right she made her appearance on New Years Day) she shows me how to look at the World every day. (When I post pictures you will see why) My family also consist of my kitty Cammie and 2 dogs Sabera and Maddie.
So that pretty much sums us up.... A simple family of 4 with 3 pets and a 3 year old, who got married a year ago, honeymooned in Paris, bought a house  and had a baby about 9 months later. Yup that's us we are the Weitings.

** Mommy With Faith


  1. Wonderful... looking forward to it and wondering where you will find the time! You can do it.

    Aunt Nancy

  2. Ah, Teach me to blog! Look forward to seeing all you do as your family grows each day. Lets get together soooon!
